Design examples
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6 Insights From Best SaaS Landing Page Examples

This happens once in a while — you stumble across what seems to be another ordinary SaaS landing page… and can’t take your eyes off it. There’s something in this landing that just keeps you invested.

But what exactly is it? Maybe it’s the CTA, or the page’s structure, or compelling visuals, or all of this combined? 

Whatever it is, such pages are indeed valuable, and it might be a good idea to study their examples, see what they did great, and potentially use it for your own project. 

TodayMade is an agency that doesn’t design anything thoughtlessly. All of our decisions are driven by logic and research — that’s why the final result doesn’t only look great, but also fully meets clients expectations. We know what makes landing page designs efficient and want to explain it to you in this article, using the landing pages of well-known businesses as an example. 

Why is it so important to have a well-designed SaaS landing page?

A SaaS landing page is usually created to sell your product or service to people visiting it. With its help, you can immediately sell your goods or offer your services to those users who don’t want any additional communication, just detailed information about a product to make the final decision. 

Basically, having a landing page with the best design allows you to seamlessly guide prospects towards taking the desired action, whether that's signing up for a trial, requesting more information, or making a purchase. But that’s only if a design is truly good.

On the other hand, designing for the SaaS industry can be challenging due to the virtual nature of SaaS products. You need to capture the users’ attention quickly, deliver value instantly and efficiently, and address the right pain points, while providing a smooth user experience. In this industry, even the smallest design mistakes can impact conversion rates significantly. 

So let’s check out the best SaaS landing page examples to see what can be learned from them. 


HubSpot Landing page example

HubSpot has made itself a name in the industry for many virtues, high-converting SaaS landing page design included. Its marketing landing is packed with content but doesn’t overwhelm the visitors and instead encourages them to take the desired action — either get a demo or premium editions or get started with free tools.

The abundance of content is balanced with a minimalist design that has a clean and simple layout. The copy’s tone is simple yet informative, while the CTAs are clearly visible and consistent throughout the page. 

HubSpot pricing page design example

The landing also has case studies and company awards. Showing them to the customers helps the latter feel more confident in purchasing from HubSpot.

HubSpot shows case studies and company awards on its SaaS landing page to increase credibility

What’s more, this landing is also responsive and optimized for mobile devices. This ensures that the browsing experience is seamless and easy from various gadgets with various screen sizes. 

Insight: When your landing has to include lots of information, make sure to balance it with a simple layout and minimalist design.


SaaS landing page example of WeTransfer company

WeTransfer’s landing is simple and even more minimalist when compared to HubSpot's. However, it is a perfect example of how a one-page landing can still convert efficiently.

While it might seem plain, designing such a solution can be challenging. If you have only one screen to work with, you have to carefully choose which information is essential to include and which can be spared. 

WeTransfer’s designers solved this challenge with the help of animated backgrounds. It changes slowly, allowing users to absorb all the essential information. The CTAs also change depending on the current offer — they encourage you to subscribe or compare plans. 

WeTransfer uses animation on its landing page

Another notable feature of this landing is a file upload form available for free without signing up. This allows users to instantly try the product and see how well it works before purchasing a Pro plan. This also makes WeTransfer a faster and therefore more convenient alternative to other file upload services that require you to register before starting to use them.

design of a free sign up form on WeTranswer landing page

Insight: Even a one-page landing can convert efficiently if it is well-designed and has a great copy. WeTranser can be your landing page inspiration in this case.


Figma landing page design example

Figma is a tool created primarily for designers, so its landing should naturally look appealing. Still, as the enterprise landing has to sell Figma’s products not directly to designers, but rather to their bosses, it has to combine visual appeal with strong persuasion. 

And it does exactly that. Although the landing has a lot of vibrant and colorful elements, it is balanced with the help of a white background. The copy is very precise, clearly delivering the product’s value to people who make their decisions based on the numbers and precise arguments. 

landing page inspiration by Figma

As Figma is offered to non-designers, the landing contains links to additional information about Figma and includes testimonials from other satisfied customers. It also offers a list of tools commonly used in the corporate environment that can be easily connected to Figma, improving the workflow. 

example of Figma testimonials on their SaaS landing page design

Insight: Personalize your landing to the target audience using relevant tone of voice, CTAs, and design choices. 


best SaaS landing pages – Dropbox example

Less is more, they say, and Dropbox truly lives to this principle — at least, when we talk about its landing. Its first screen doesn’t have much text and includes a detailed animation that shows how the product works. Combined with a visible and compelling CTA, it encourages interested users to take action instantly.

But if visitors still feel like they want to learn more, Dropbox grants them this opportunity. You can scroll down to see informational blocks about product pages accompanied by illustrations and CTAs whenever necessary. 

CTA design on a Dropbox landing page

Insight: Your SaaS landing pages don’t have to contain lots of visuals and information. Instead, you can focus on precise messages and achieve more with less. 


AirTable SaaS landing page example

AirTable is a low-code platform that is used to build collaborative apps. This description, as well as the product's features, might sound complex to many users. So the landing page website design does its best to un-complicate everything and showcase the product’s features and benefits in a very clear way. 

The landing starts with a straightforward copy that delivers the value,  supported by screenshots that demonstrate how AirTable works and distinct CTA buttons. Below, you can see the list of the company's clients, containing lots of well-known brand names. Showing their logos allows AirTable to build this initial trust.

Another great part of this landing is a page that shows how AirTable works and aids different departments, from marketing to human resources. As clients value the efficiency of a product or service, this page is a nice way to showcase that using AirTable can benefit almost all company departments at once. 

Airtable design shows how the app works on its anding page

And to emphasize the product’s value even more, the landing contains a page dedicated to critical workflow integration, listing the most popular business tools, including Google products, YouTube, Jira, Zendesk, Salesforce, and others. 

AirTable landing page showing a page dedicated to critical workflow integration

Insights: Flashing a well-known brand or two can help you convey a product’s value more efficiently to those who trust those brands and use them often. 


Sometimes a good landing can become even better with the help of professional designers. That’s the case of Refera and TodayMade.

Refera turned to us for a landing page redesign. Here’s how their landing looked back then:

Refera SaaS landing page design example before redesign

We wanted to make the landing look and feel more modern. While flat illustrations were a trend several years ago, today this style feels a bit outdated. What’s more, it doesn’t convert well.

As Refera is a medical app used by general dentists and narrow-specialization healthcare professionals, it has to look more serious and trustworthy to such an audience. Replacing illustrations with real doctors’ pictures does that job: the potential customers see who they’ll interact with. 

Refera medical app landing page design example after redesign

Colors play an important role in design in general and here in particular. While bright hues are attention-grabbing, they aren’t the best fit for all landings. In this case, TodayMade’s team suggested shifting to a calm green palette. Green is not as overused as blue in medical design, but still works well for this industry. 

calculator design on a SaaS landing page

On top of that, we created two versions of the SaaS landing page design, each for different professionals. General dentists see the first version, while other healthcare specialists see the second. This allows it to deliver different value propositions for both segments of Refera’s target audience.

SaaS landing page design of  a referral platform for dentists

Insight: If you have several target audiences, consider differentiating your CTAs and value propositions. Having customized offerings for each target audience increases their chances of converting. 

Team up with TodayMade to create a landing page that converts

As you can see, in today’s competitive digital landscape, simply having a landing page is not enough. You also have to ensure that your SaaS landing works well for your target audience. 

TodayMade can help you with that. We are a data-driven design agency that creates appealing visuals, best SaaS landing pages, and web designs. That’s why we know what makes SaaS landings more appealing to users.

Besides industry expertise and deep knowledge of SaaS landing page best practices, we offer you a modern collaboration option — a subscription that allows you to obtain as many designs as you need while it lasts. Working with us helps you save costs and receive help from a professional design team for as long as you want. 

Feel free to reach out to us and let’s discuss how to make your landing appealing and profitable!